Native Manifesto

Protect our planet, one Square at a time.

What is Native?

Native partners with indigenous guardians to help individuals and companies protect and regenerate 3m2 Squares of the Earth’s most precious and biodiverse ecosystems under threat from human activity, including rainforest, mangroves, coral reefs and more. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and emerging best practice we have crafted a methodology, a marketplace, and a map which will revolutionize Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the voluntary market and drive them to mass-market adoption.


Native uses an area-based approach rather than dividing a project into tonnes of carbon. A 3m2 Square of rainforest is infinitely more compelling, more tangible, not to mention more precious, than a tonne of carbon. An area-based approach allows us to provide both more transparency and specificity, while accessing buyers that other carbon providers would struggle to engage. The Native map enables direct visibility of every single Square you have protected or regenerated, and buyers receive live updates as indigenous guardians take action to protect nature.


We assess and price each Square using our proprietary ABC methodology, considering not just carbon, but Additionality, Biodiversity, and Community — each measured on a sliding scale. This approach yields quantifiable scores for a diverse range of environmental and social metrics, allowing you to demonstrate your impact clearly and succinctly to your most valuable stakeholders.

We consult on both design and implementation with indigenous communities and they keep 90% of our revenue. We also ensure they benefit from any secondary market trades. Because when it comes to protecting and regenerating our planet, carbon is far from being the only metric which matters.