Glossary of terms

  • ABC Methodology - Our method for valuing and pricing NbS Squares according to Additionality, Biodiversity and Community.
  • Additionality - The notion that a tonne of carbon will only be sequestered/remain sequestered with project finance. 
  • Buyers/Holders - Individuals and organizations who have paid to protect or regenerate Squares.
  • Loss of Permanence - Loss of carbon and NbS due to degradation either caused by human activity or natural causes e.g. logging, forest fires, coral bleaching etc.
  • NbS Squares - A 3m2 Square of terrestrial or marine territory 
  • Permanence - The amount of time that carbon will remain sequestered rather than being released back into the atmosphere. In our case this is a minimum of 40 years.
  • Project - Either the conservation or regeneration of an area of terrestrial or marine ecosystems available to purchase as NbS Squares.
  • Project Owner - The partner who owns the land title to the Square or is responsible for its conservation, often one or more indigenous communities facilitated by an NGO.
  • Retirement - Holders who have chosen to “retire” the Squares they hold in order to claim their NbS to “offset” their footprint.
  • Voluntary carbon market - A market for individuals and companies who choose to buy carbon credits or NbS solutions as opposed to compliance markets such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme where they are compelled to.